The state's total bear habitat is about 12,500 square miles.
The trail passes through black bear habitat (especially the northern portions of it), although problems with bears are rare.
The building of new cross island highways through bear habitat is also potentially threatening.
The groups also directly contributed funding to protect small parcels of important bear habitat around the islands.
They are often used by campers when staying in bear habitat.
Modern suburban development, in other words, has actually created a new and attractive bear habitat.
"But we also have a pretty good bear habitat in other parts of the state," Mr. May said.
Seven bear habitats, each 15 feet by 80 feet, were built between 1920 and 1921 at the cost of $10,000.00 each.
The trail passes through black bear habitat, although problems with bears are rare.
The trail does pass through black bear habitat, although problems with bears are extremely rare,(though not unheard of).