The authority of the Crown therein is embodied in the mace for each house, which both bear a crown at their apex.
I wish I had legs more worthy to bear such a noble crown; it is a pity they are so slim and slight.
The rim of the calyx bears a "crown" of 8 to 30 solid tentacles, which are extensions of the body wall.
The reverse also has a beaded border and bears a crown with the letter x and s.
Asherat-of-the-Sea, bearing a crown of stars, waves and leaping dolphins worked into the plinth.
In Scotland, the positions are reversed and the unicorn bears a crown, as does the lion.
The coat-of-arms consists of a shield with three crowned ravens bearing a crown in their beaks.
These cities typically bear a large open crown over the shield, a privilege granted under German town law.
In 1415 he was honored by Sigismund of Austria, who granted him the right to bear a crown on his helmet.
Slender spearshafts rose from among the trees, hundreds of meters tall, hundreds in number, each bearing a crown.