Then the strobing beams rose toward the barge itself as it hovered motionless above the surface.
The beam rose to meet him, but he wasn't moving sideways fast enough.
The wizards strained as the beam slowly rose from the ground, taking the lady ranger's body with it.
It seemed to David that in his imagination a golden beam of prayer rose from this holy place towards the heavens.
The blue beams rise from both of those survivor colonies.
The dark beams rose over her head obliquely, faithfully following the slant of the roof.
Yet beginning in about three months, the beams will rise from the edge of ground zero every night.
Glass and beams rise to a vaulted 22-foot ceiling.
From the Battery rose a beautiful angled beam of light in every color.
Solid beams mitered the air, rose through the plumes, and disappeared beyond sight.