I felt the Courranfs extraordinarily powerful scan beams lock on me, even at this distance.
The beam locked onto the Khieevi ship and hauled it toward the Condor until it vanished from view beneath them.
The green beam stayed locked on our windshield like a satellite weapon aimed from space.
The beams had locked onto the saucer and allowed them to move it at a good clip.
The invisible beam had locked in and was melting the nylon strands.
The beam locked on the sailors and Hogg's van with its nose toward the open warehouse.
Crackling savagely, the two beams of power locked into each other as the castle continued to shake under their unleashed force.
The finder beam has locked on this planet.
The red beam from Yeats's laser sight crisscrossed the cell and locked onto an intricate alcove of some kind.
The doors' side-impact beams lock into the sills in an accident, forming a protective cage.