Horizontal beams for the drying of tobacco extended across the remaining open space from the floor of the loft to the opposite wall.
A barely visible beam of pale blue light, the thickness of a human hair, extended from the disk across the corridor.
The beam formed by it extends from 155 to 205 in azimuth and is scanned at 35 elevation.
The beam extended over a wider area and tore into the river.
The angle of the mirror plate ensures that the beam does not extend past the sample surface.
Headlights can now be any shape - as long as the rules governing the lights' brightness, throw (how far the beam extends) and direction are followed.
The beam of fire extended from one side of the huge chamber to the other.
From the plates long, narrow beams extended across the car, thus supporting the roof.
The branched antlers are unique in that the long tines point backward, while the main beam extends almost directly upward.
If the beam extends beyond the second support as a cantilever, a similar triangle will be formed below the cantilevers position.