The two beams collided head-on at enormous speeds, driving into one another and compressing all their energy into a single pinpoint.
It guides the beams to collide head on with a combined energy of nearly two trillion electron-volts (2 TeV).
Although Higgs boson particles would decay moments after being created as the beams collide, spikes in the researchers' data suggest that they did temporarily exist.
The point where the beams collide is surrounded by "tracking detectors" to record the tracks (trajectories) of the high energy particles produced in the collision.
Within the $8 billion accelerator, opposing beams of protons will collide at higher energies than have been achieved by any other scientific instrument.
This beam of particles then collides into an iron graphite target.
And here, the detector should see a shower of subatomic particles when the two beams collide.
When a player's beam collided with a bosses, it would culminate in a spectacular reaction before the more powerful attack would push the weaker down.
The beams collided around him but didn't quite get him.
Inside the detector two beams of protons collide at almost the speed of light.