The eyes, the fine structure of the face were familiar, as were the sea-blue beads sewn in the chador's headpiece.
There are two layers to a sari: a long bright colored "dress" decorated with colorful beads sewn on it to make it look more attractive, and a wrap, a piece of straight fabric draped around one shoulder which ties across the body around the waist area.
Her jacket was black, with black beads sewn upon it, and a fringe of little black jet ornaments.
She held out a blue feather with two green beads sewn to the quill.
She wore robes the same light burlap color as his, but unlike his, hers were decorated at the neck with yellow and red beads sewn in the ancient symbols of her profession.
Mrs Slade wondered how Polly washed her hair now that it was all in great shaggy dreadlocks with beads sewn into them and the terrible answer was, of course, that she didn't.
Yellow and real beads around the neck of her robes, sewn in the shapes of the ancient symbols of her profession of sorceress, were the only ornamentation she wore.
For "Marlene," Terry Parsons, an English costume designer, created his version - 30,000 beads sewn on fouffle, a nude stretch synthetic held together with hidden zippers, and a nude corset underneath.
Abby recognized the simple flaxen robes, decorated at the neck with yellow and red beads sewn in the ancient symbols of the profession.