The baseline required for the telemeters for battleship guns is very large.
Therefore, the armour piercing capability was very near that of the best battleship guns, at least at medium to short range.
Pink Delmo: Mechanics and engineers also seen operating heavy weapons, from tanks to battleship guns.
For such a small vessel, just over 33 meters long, she carried a very large gun, comparable to battleship guns of the era.
Churchill's assurance that the British battleship guns standing off the beach would pound the enemy positions remorselessly proves entirely wrong.
The powder used in the battleship guns is very fast-burning and produces tremendous explosive pressure.
That slow, deli ate motion held as much menace as if they'd containe 38-centimeter battleship guns rather than organs of vision.
They were particularly favoured in naval dockyards for fitting battleship guns; Hong Kong had a battery of four.
Then a following ice floe snaps it half with the sound of a battleship gun.
As such, the accuracy of battleship guns was 1% of range (sometimes better, sometimes worse).