I may never be called upon to fight a huge, city-killing monster, but there is an evil creature that I battle valiantly and constantly.
Forcing Sisko and the others to escape without him, Eddington is killed while valiantly battling the soldiers.
On balance, he battled valiantly against the heavy orchestration of the operatic edition, although without consistent success.
Competitors battled valiantly throughout the afternoon with plenty of supporters to cheer them on.
Against this, Buliwyf and his men battled valiantly.
For the past 15 months he valiantly battled a rare form of brain cancer.
As you know, we have been valiantly battling against this awful proposal for the last two years.
You, who once valiantly battled Russell, Wilt and Kareem, always said that.
Playing only two days after Tierney's funeral, Fordham battled back valiantly in the last quarter.
The Mystics battled valiantly against overwhelming odds until they drove the evil back from the edge of the human world.