The Spanish authorities have long experience battling terrorists, particularly the Basque separatist group ETA.
The corporation must battle terrorists with a foothold in the Libyan government while uncovering the identity of their hidden leader.
Cannon Fodder 3 has a basic premise involving American soldiers battling disparate terrorists who have united with the aim of world domination.
Battling political extremists, drug 14 gangs and terrorists.
Energy security', a catchphrase in Washington, had more to do with invading Iraq, battling terrorists and drilling off pristine coasts than cutting consumption and exploring 'renewables'.
His eye naturally went to the vignette in which the Mitchell and the Kirk were shown battling festively-robed terrorists.
It is an action-adventure survival game, where the player must survive through various natural disasters, all the while also battling terrorists and rescuing civilians.
Our heroes from 221B Baker Street are soon battling terrorists, rogue CIA agents and a government conspiracy.
"Negroes With Guns," a 1962 manifesto about a group battling the Klan and other white terrorists in Monroe, N.C., is still a compelling title.
With Darkhawk as an ally, the new Savage Steel battled terrorists.