The administration is battling both global terrorism and economic malaise and is taking some friendly fire.
America has battled terrorism for many years.
But it also officially gives the military domestic duties in battling terrorism, especially in the case of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.
On the other hand it tries to acknowledge the newly shared interest of both nations in battling terrorism by Muslim radicals and separatists.
Agents have already shifted their focus toward battling terrorism and away from traditional crime-busting duties.
Mr. Ivanov said last week that the two countries could find common ground in battling international terrorism.
This, indeed, is the way to effectively battle terrorism and overcome the objective of the terrorists.
He suggests that there are as-yet-unexplored ways for battling terrorism by penetrating such places.
Mr. Bush is using the anti-terrorism campaign to disguise an ideological agenda that has nothing to do with domestic defense or battling terrorism abroad.
It would be rewritten again following the September 11 attacks, with the purpose of acknowledging the series premise as battling terrorism.