Reed generally wears a battle suit with two extra arms.
Very little is known about him other than he wears a battle suit, and can project bolts of energy from his hands.
The battle suit also projects an electrical field which allows him to sense his surroundings, even in total darkness.
Or it would have crushed us like beetles if we hadn't been wearing our battle suits.
If you'll look after my coat fora while, I'll go somewhere and change into a battle suit.
These were designed for use in various situations, but only one, a "universal battle suit", was used during the brief series.
With him was the man she had seen get out of the cab, the man in the white battle suit.
He has a nano-technology based battle suit which generates weapons for him.
He was tall and elegant, even in a battle suit.
The chamber had already been evacuated, and everyone was wearing battle suits.