George Michael was released from an Austrian hospital Thursday after battling pneumonia for more than a month.
DiMaggio Leaves Hospital After 99 days in a hospital where he had lung-cancer surgery and battled pneumonia, Joe DiMaggio went home.
It took him months to recover from battling pneumonia.
Early Tuesday, the legendary Joe DiMaggio died at age 84 after battling lung cancer and pneumonia.
She was battling viral pneumonia brought on by chicken pox.
He had been battling liver cancer and pneumonia.
It was believed that Gallagher had been battling pneumonia since a recent trip to Barbados.
He died on February 18, 1992 at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas after battling cancer and pneumonia.
Evans' mother, Rose Bellmore, battled mouth cancer, pneumonia and a host of other maladies for five weeks that left her in pain - and alive against her will.
Mr. Havel, who has battled cancer and pneumonia, was labored at times in his breathing at today's news conference.