Very nearly the first battle loss in Admiral Naismith's service-ten years ago, now?
During a time of war, with a large number of ships and battle losses, passed midshipman would be promoted in a year or two.
Due to heavy battle losses, the regiment was consolidated to a battalion of four companies on January 1, 1865.
The Army of the Potomac had significant changes in general officer assignments because of its battle losses.
The Americans reported their battle losses at 3 killed and 63 wounded.
The black is for the battle losses.
Although battle losses were high, the desire to win the right to leave probation meant combat morale was high.
Its men were sent as reinforcements to replace battle losses in the four other divisions of the Canadian Corps.
The battle losses of the ships' crews and the squadron's landing companies were moderate.
Beyond the battle losses, the French strategic position had been weakened.