Or will the second half of the year be a boring exercise in battling for fifth place?
Therefore, my belief is that without Kemp the Dodgers would have been battling for last place.
They played as if they expected him to win anyway, and were battling for second place.
The acquisitions continued during the season as the teams battled for first place.
But it's frustrating, too, because we're battling for last place and beating teams like this.
The A's started 17-32, but went on a hot streak to find themselves battling for first place by mid-August.
He tests it out, battling for first place alongside the girls and the boys.
Hardly anybody cares about his dopey remarks anymore, and the two teams are not even battling each other for first place.
But I expect this team to be battling for first place.
Here we are, battling with the Rangers for first place.