The party must battle enemies and perform tasks within the given levels to clear each scenario, before moving onto another scenario of their choice.
That feels more rewarding than just battling tougher enemies or large hordes of tough enemies.
As players progress through the game, they must travel upward through a network of tunnels while battling enemies and collecting keys in order to advance.
The sword struck back and forth, up and down, as if it battled invisible enemies.
The standard adventuring mode depicted the action from an overhead perspective as the player guided Robin through the environment, battling enemies.
The avatar must navigate a level, collecting objects, avoiding obstacles, and battling enemies with various attacks.
The objective on most of the levels is to run through them before time runs out, battling enemies on the way.
Over the course of the game players will learn new techniques to battle enemies with.
Drizzt had always hoped that he would die well, battling evil enemies or saving a friend.
The other is normal mode, where players must navigate through different areas battling various enemies.