The whole thrust of his campaign as the lonely outsider bravely battling the Establishment would be undercut if he agreed to any such arrangement.
Oh, here and there men and groups of men still battled bravely to hold back the onrushing northerners.
They battled bravely, but they were heavily outnumbered and went down, one by one, killing three men for each of them.
Our father, Bertram Podell, passed away after bravely battling a long illness.
Now Beck was even angrier, because in the crisis he'd run for his life while others bravely battled the fire.
The survivors were even now being pressed back, though they battled bravely.
I hope future articles will help physicians and their patients who are bravely battling cancer to make decisions based on science.
He could see Cambil in with them, battling bravely, and some of the women had taken up swords and daggers.
Peter was hit by the cancer, and although he battled bravely and had another spell at Saracens, it finally ended his life prematurely in 2003.
He did well to hold off the challenge, battling bravely to last home by a short head.