Steve checked the serf-winding wrist watch he had been given in place of his battery-powered digital model.
The 2012 Toyota RAV4 lineup gains a new battery-powered electric model.
The round, battery-powered models are called "biomimetic," because they have a gel that absorbs carbon monoxide the way the human body does.
There are both plug-in and battery-powered models.
Husqvarna has a $500 battery-powered model that will run for 90 minutes.
Black-and-white TVs virtually disappeared from the American market except for 5-inch, battery-powered models.
In January 2011, the company announced its next mid-term business plan to introduce eight hybrid and battery-powered models by 2015.
"And in most cases, electric models work more reliably and effectively than battery-powered models."
There were even battery-powered models, he informed his partner, but what was the point?
This battery-powered model, made by Kyosho of Japan, costs about $200.