Since BEVs can have up to 50 kWh worth of battery storage they represent somewhat more than the average home's daily energy demand.
Beyond battery storage and motor power, there are various designs for combining the power from the electric motor and the engine.
The device is a portable unit containing a lithium-ion battery storage.
It is the first photovoltaic power plant in the world to include battery storage.
In 1990, following a 1989 failure of the submarine cable and problems with the diesel generator, the light was converted to solar power with battery storage.
Wind turbines have been used for household electricity generation in conjunction with battery storage over many decades in remote areas.
The Tilling-Stevens petrol-electric bus is interesting as an early example of a hybrid vehicle, although without any direct engine propulsion or battery storage.
First off, battery storage is generally not required, most systems feed straight into the grid.
Many "off-the-grid" domestic systems rely on battery storage, but storing large amounts of electricity in batteries or by other electrical means has not yet been put to general use.
Inhabitants thus produce their own electricity using solar panels (with battery storage), and occasionally diesel generators.