A barrel floated by on the other side, the battered trunk of a harvested jellybarrel tree.
Her only clues are a battered trunk with a broken nameplate (Ro) and a shredded flag with a white rose.
Eventually he seemed to reach an agreement with himself, knelt down gingerly and pulled a battered trunk from under his bed.
With a decisive nod, Bethane climbed painfully to her feet and began rummaging through a battered trunk against the rear wall of the cave.
Except for the battered trunk, not a single memento from any of the last four years' travels was visible.
Once again I saw his pitiful huge battered trunk with socks and dirty underwear sticking out; he bent over it, throwing in everything he could find.
The same battered trunk stuck out from under the bed, ready to fly.
Cervantes, also a man of the theater, responds by performing the story of Quixote, with props and costumes from a battered trunk.
There were a few battered old-fashioned trunks not worth breaking up for firewood.
Under the rumpled clothes in a battered trunk in one corner of the room was a cut length of rope.