The waiting room was empty, except for a young girl sitting in the corner, pretending to read a battered copy of Good Housekeeping.
A battered copy of the manuscript is kept in the British Library.
A battered copy of Green Eggs and Ham sat on top of the piano, vibrating to the beat.
I offer my battered old long-playing copy in proof.
He pulled out his own battered old copy of the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy and accessed it.
Here were all three issues of Birdland, battered copies in plastic bags.
Lifting his battered copy of Things to Come, Saint-Ex recited.
He handed the battered dog-eared copy of Plutarch's Lives back to Jordan.
In the novel, Inman carries a battered copy of "Travels."
A Bible, a battered copy of Shakespeare's plays.