The squadron was large for a battalion-sized unit, as the Maintenance Troop alone had some 400 soldiers assigned.
This is the situation today, April 13, and you can see some 23 battalion-sized units are deployed in Kosovo today.
There are no other battle honours displayed on the colours of the four battalion-sized units of the current Corps.
Early in 1947, the regiment returned to the United States to be reduced virtually to a battalion-sized unit.
Aufklärungs-Abteilung - reconnaissance unit or battalion, also used to designate certain battalion-sized units.
The company was reorganised to a battalion-sized unit in 1864 and was renamed Sappörkåren.
In the Marine Corps, each battalion-sized unit or larger maintains a set of colors.
The Japanese responded by reforming into battalion-sized units that needed large towns to support them.
She was now in command of a battalion-sized unit of troops, divided into four companies.
A brigade contains three or four battalion-sized units, around 5000 personnel and is commanded by a one star officer, a Brigadier.