I think music-making is more important than any baton technique.
Once known for his graceful, efficient baton technique, by the 1980's he was indulging in exaggerated, kinetic gestures.
And though they seemed excited to play for him, Mr. Laredo does not have the most precise baton technique.
The initial lessons were not about baton technique.
Toscanini observed that Monteux had the best baton technique he had ever seen.
The confidential forms judge conductors in such categories as baton technique, rehearsal efficiency, musical knowledge, leadership and personality.
His nimble baton technique and choreographic podium manner must be easy to follow.
There have been complaints about his baton technique.
Karajan, it seems, always had a superb baton technique.
Sergeant Duke demonstrated baton techniques in front of jurors who sat forward in rapt attention.