Although some members at times don't bathe too frequently, especially when camping out, the group has no laws or rules against bathing or using soap, shampoo, deodorant etc.
Women were protected from the sight of men bathing because men frequently bathed naked.
None of them bathed frequently enough and their hair was long, greasy and roughly cut.
They bathe frequently in water usually in the mornings and evenings but at midday during hot weather.
As indicated in the novel, Kendall does not bathe frequently.
During that time, the boy has said, Mr. Jackson frequently bathed with him, shared a bed with him and showered him with gifts and trips.
Condors bathe frequently and can spend hours a day preening their feathers.
He and Celia bathed frequently in water drawn from a well far from cess pits "I would thou gave me a reward," he said, putting down the goblet.
The Kazon bathed no more frequently than their prisoners here, and his odor was as easy to follow as his heavy, labored breathing.
The Lady Karen bathed frequently, as often as I myself.