Every team in that part of the country kept a bowl of salt tablets by the bat rack.
Knowing the secret handshake is the entree to the pros on every level, from the front office to the bat rack.
Only about getting too close to the bat rack at zero hour.
Johnson was standing near the bat rack when the volley went off.
The third one, everyone was down at the bat rack and it was tough getting near him.
The rest of the players and coaches were scattered on the bench or lingering near the bat rack.
"I saw the guys on the bench running to the bat rack," Sheffield said with a smile that he could not fight back.
He remembered getting his bat in the bat rack before going to the plate.
Cherry was leaning on the bat rack, scrutinizing the pitcher through narrowed eyes.
McGwire begins to visualize as he goes to the bat rack, staring straight ahead.