It was the bats, disturbed from their lodging in the top of the cave, streaming out now into the daylight valley.
Memories began flapping about in her mind, haphazardly, like sleeping bats disturbed by a blast of sunlight.
Screams and even stranger noises began to fill the shadowed temple again as the bats and serpents, disturbed at their feeding, whirled up like a storm of black snow.
The bats that lived in the old monks' bedrooms, disturbed by the intruders, were fluttering and shifting.
Dozens of winged shapes suddenly swept down from the darkness overhead, like bats disturbed in their cavern roost.
But Nemoto's skin continued to flake away, as the slow revenge of the bat disturbed from its hibernation took its gruesome course.
Over his head wheeled the dark shapes of bats disturbed from their upside-down sleep.
The darkness tightened and filled with the rustle and flutter of bats disturbed, Within a few yards we were saturated with the filth that was the source of the stench.
They were those blobs that had hung high in the domes of the cave, flocks of bats disturbed from their roosts by The Shadow's upward gun stabs!