It served as the state of Indiana's first true basketball stadium and was considered one of the classic venues in college basketball during its time.
"It was a huge expo center, bigger than a basketball stadium or something," recalls Mihara, now a 34-year-old graduate student married with children.
The school is located on Carrick Drive and boasts a full sized basketball stadium.
The police said more than 1,100 people were arrested and detained in a covered basketball stadium until dawn.
The basketball stadium has a seating capability of 1,200 people and a regular-sized court that can be used for sporting events, and other activities.
Montmorency South Primary School, in 2011/2012, built a new building featuring a big basketball stadium.
The campus has a huge playground, and an indoor basketball stadium.
One year later the club inaugurated a new basketball stadium.
He also volunteered to work on extensions to his local basketball stadium.
And right next door is the basketball stadium, which is also worth visiting.