Pete Carroll hung up a basketball rim and talked about togetherness, and lasted one season.
"I can tell you where the potholes are, the broken fences, the broken basketball rims," he said.
They'd tell the city guys who had come to visit families there that this kid right here, Yancey, he can jump and touch the basketball rim.
The captors strung rope between the two basketball rims, and hung a line of these explosives overhead.
At 12 feet high, it stands two feet higher than a basketball rim.
The playground is surrounded by barbed wire; even so, the basketball rim was stolen recently.
All basketball rims (hoops) are 18 inches in diameter.
The soccer fields have actual grass, basketball rims actual nets.
In my day, one hassled student ended his life by hanging himself from a basketball rim.
With his remarkable vertical lift, he could kick a basketball rim.