This Cornie will become the basis of our plan.
And that was the basis of the Squeem's plan that day.
Minaret adjoins new mosque, which was constructed on the basis of the older one's plan.
The basic idea of a purchaser-provider split, with the district health authority as purchaser, was the crux of the Enthoven plan and became the basis of the working party's plan.
In Phase 3 the Secretary General would use his "discretion to finalize the text to be submitted to referenda on the basis of my plan".
This was the basis of my plan.
Cain has been running on the basis of his "9-9-9" plan for income tax reform - but it now seems obvious that $9.99 was his campaign's expenditure on perhaps the cheapest ad ever seen in American politics.
United is still waiting for a decision by the federal Air Transportation Stabilization Board on its revised application for $1.6 billion in loan guarantees, which would form the basis of its $2 billion plan.
Pietro explains the basis of his plan concerning the Terrigen Crystals, and tells Luna he is going to give back her birthright, exposing her to the Mists.