Playfully ornamental, gold-stamped bindings attract collectors on the basis of a book's appearance, not necessarily its content.
Next Previous Blog home More and more, authors are being pitched to us on the basis of their appearance.
This is because they compete on the basis of their performance and not their appearance.
Waitresses in maid cafés are often chosen on the basis of their appearance; most are young, attractive and innocent-looking women.
Rhesus monkeys readily discriminate between objects and scenes on the basis of their visual appearance.
But he immediately felt guilty, and had no legal grounds to search on the basis of their suspicious appearance had he wished to.
Jacqueline Bisset was cast on the basis of her short appearance in Two for the Road.
Then she gave herself a little shake: all were government employees, but could any bureaucracy, Optherian or other, hire people on the basis of their uniform appearance?
A popular distinction is often made between frogs and toads on the basis of their appearance.
It forms the basis of the town's historical appearance.