A standard basis consists of the vectors e which contain a 1 in the i-th slot and zeros elsewhere.
Each standard basis consists of 2 elements.
That's not the plug-in life-style, whose basis consists in leaving behind nothing of yourself when you move on.
The current receptive basis of tourism and catering industry consists of 125,000 beds in basic and supplementary accommodation facilities.
The organization's ideological basis consisted of five reforms that they expected to implement, these were:
An orthonormal basis for Minkowski space necessarily consists of one timelike and three spacelike unit vectors.
The basis of the anthroposophic approach to pharmacy consists of the "holistic" knowledge of mankind and nature.
For example, in finite products, a basis for the product topology consists of all products of open sets.
They only considered the case where the lattice has full rank, i.e. the basis consists of linear independent vectors.
In particular, the basis might consist of the eigenfunctions of some linear operator L: