As "musicinaries" the band relies completely on donations from supporters to fund recordings, tours, and basic sustenance.
It was basic sustenance to some, family savings to others.
Cattle raising and trading (large varieties resulted from cross-breeding with the aurochs) and land tillage provided basic sustenance.
The rapidly growing population but slowly growing amount of agricultural land largely prevented any significant capital surplus from developing, as almost all production was required for basic sustenance.
"He had to practice and compete without basic sustenance," said the West Springfield coach, Phil Saunders.
Thus as the need for basic sustenance is met we move up the ladder to the next step, which is the satisfaction of the need for safety.
What to Do Porgies, striped bass and blue crabs, not basic sustenance anymore, are still fished with passion; many residents own boats.
This extra food seems to have been provided more as a gesture by the family, than as basic sustenance.
From the nourishment of the trunk the unit can draw basic sustenance but nothing beyond that.
It also calls for phasing out over six months the oil-for-food program, which has provided basic sustenance for more than 60 percent of the Iraqi population.