The people of the Renbell Province live a very basic subsistence farming lifestyle.
Residents are self-sufficient in terms of basic subsistence through agriculture.
Crop husbandry was limited to basic subsistence and animal feed.
Visiting human rights organizations have concluded that the conditions are troublesome with regard to basic subsistence, but that the human rights situation is satisfactory.
At the end of their schooling they were sent to work as servants to selected white families in return for basic subsistence.
Thus no one would pay income tax on the portion of income needed for basic subsistence.
Pastoralists do not exist at basic subsistence.
What was the cost of basic subsistence in the first part of the eighteenth century?
The main concern of most human rights organizations seems to be the refugees' problems of basic subsistence, living on a meager diet of foreign aid.
Women in society have various roles, from concerns and responsibilities for the family's basic subsistence to passing on of knowledge and life patterns to their children.