Difficult, I grant you, but less far removed from our basic role than you might think.
Still a two-tier structure, but with three rather than two basic roles.
The family has a universal and basic role in all societies.
She also charged that the Administration's deregulation policies had undermined the basic role of government to protect the people.
"The basic role of a teacher is to expand and open the mind."
The basic role played by Tengo's father in the novel is to manifest ill will.
Upon entering combat, each group member will know their basic role (kill, heal, protect, control).
As will be seen, a location near running water serves a very basic role in propagation.
The basic role for doing it on film was not to overact, to play from within.
However, the call for schools to promote European identity, I feel, is contrary to the basic role of education in our society.