However, each teacher in the end will form her/his own 'world view' with its basic presuppositions be they materialistic, humanistic, existentialist or whatever.
That was their basic presupposition.
In his immanent critique, he sought to understand each philosophic thinker or tradition from the inside, and uncover, in its own terms, its basic presuppositions, to reveal deep problems.
The basic presuppositions that present themselves here are the indivisibility of Truth, the identity of the Self (Ātman) and Truth or God, and the essential unity of all existence.
A basic presupposition in the field of peace studies is that nonviolent approaches to conflict resolutions have not been tried.
He describes them as some basic presuppositions, tenants, and concerns which are common among the New Testament writers, giving to the New Testament its "unity in diversity":
Another, basic idealized presupposition of argumentation is the presupposition that no relevant argument is suppressed or excluded by the participants.
The concept of nature as a standard by which to make judgments was a basic presupposition in Greek philosophy.
But suppose I am wrong in my basic presupposition that there cannot be particularity.
It is clear that we are working with two basic presuppositions.