However, whilst this rewarded basic competency, it did not provide an incentive to excel, resulting in a stultification similar to that in other spheres of Soviet society.
Actually, I haven't; my son goes to a progressively minded school that assumes children need to master basic competencies to free them for open-ended discovery.
Mr. Bloomberg created the summer program last year after imposing new rules barring promotion for children who failed to show basic competency on reading and math tests.
Without knowing what's inside (and without even a basic competency in electrical engineering), its all guesswork at this stage though.
To be competitive in today's society, one must possess basic literary competencies (i.e. areas such as math, reading, writing, communication, teamwork, and computer skills.
Testing for basic competency is acceptable because results can be used to aid students.
"The clinical skills component of the licensing exam will provide the public with the assurance that doctors have at least basic competency in this critical area."
The objective is to enhance basic competencies in academic practice in higher education.
But Massachusetts is not just any state, though it is tardy in being the 44th to start testing would-be teachers for basic competency.
I do think that basic competency (documents, internet, email) is very liberating, and is great fun, and so many people are missing out.