The basement dwellers are unleashed.
In English, the expression "sponge" or "basement dweller" may sometimes be used.
Branch out, basement dwellers.
Nonetheless, the American skiers, basement dwellers for decades, are preparing to challenge the people from the big house on the hill.
In the battle of the basement dwellers in their respective divisions, the Islanders improved to 14-28-8 while the Stars dropped to 14-26-11.
As any basement flat dweller will know, the signal below street level or indeed inside many buildings is poor, particularly for internet but often for voice calls too.
Any basement dweller knows that females are scary and dangerous, and you can do without them until it's time to come out.
The Argos went from basement dwellers to the class of the CFL.
He also thought he caught a whiff of something else he recognized, and wondered if one of the basement dwellers hadn't died somewhere nearby.
In English internet parlance, the expression "basement dweller" is sometimes used, referring to someone who lives in his or her parents' basement.