Nonetheless, the differences in the resulting baseline projections are minor for the purposes of this analysis.
This works through the production of baseline projections of sales and the application of future events to this baseline to produce a forecast.
Clearly, it's very embarrassing for S & P to have made a mistake and use d the wrong baseline projection from the Congressional Budget Office.
So for that reason and others, actual budgetary outcomes are almost certain to differ from CBO's baseline projections.
Over the 2012-2021 period, deficits under the President's budget would total $9.5 trillion, compared with $6.7 trillion under those baseline projections.
The CBO has been publishing baseline projections, following existing law, since 1985.
This scenario has considerably higher debt and interest payments than the baseline projection, but the short-term impact on the economy would have been avoided.
From 2015 through 2021, the deficits in the baseline projections range from 2.9 percent to 3.4 percent of GDP.
In particular, the baseline projections in this report are based on the following assumptions:
In particular, the baseline projections in this report include the following policies specified in current law: