Prior to the agreement, landowners and agencies establish baseline conditions for the habitat to be capable of supporting the species.
Incidental take by the landowner is authorized as long as the species does not fall below the agreed-upon baseline conditions.
This allows landowners to freely manage their property, including development, as long as they maintain baseline conditions.
Under baseline conditions, a saltwater wedge extends inland, underneath the freshwater because of its higher density.
If the baseline condition is too close to maximum activation, certain processes may not be represented appropriately.
Observations used to derive the data product have been selected for baseline conditions.
Five years of data will be analyzed before the next harvesting activity planned for 2004, allowing for a broad range of baseline conditions.
- For the most part, the modeling results are analyzed in terms of the change in future year air quality relative to predictions under baseline conditions.
Having decided how long the intervention is to last, ask the parents to run it for that time and then immediately return to the baseline condition.
In week 5, the intervention was stopped and the original baseline condition repeated for one week.