However, the album holds, based on four reviews, a score of 49 at Metacritic.
The film review website Rotten Tomatoes lists the movie as having a 100% rating (based on 7 reviews).
On Metacritic, the game received an average score of 73% (based on 30 reviews).
Rotten Tomatoes awarded the film a score of 95% (based on 20 reviews).
MetaCritic - 74 out of 100 (based on 55 reviews)
It got a score of 82 out of 100 on Metacritic (based on 25 reviews).
Movies the film holds a B- based on twelve reviews.
Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 82% based on 220 reviews, with a 7.2/10 average score.
The film has a 60% rating (based on 15 reviews) on Rotten Tomatoes.
It has received an aggregate score of 69 (based on 8 reviews) on Metacritic.