Now that the cold war is over, it is time that our foreign policy was based on democratic principles, rather than fear of Communism.
Other countries have legislation based on similar principles but with different definitions and using different mechanisms in their administration.
Moral authority is an authority based on principles and values that are independent of written laws, and considered more fundamental and lasting.
The group was conceived as a think-tank, whose work would be based on scientific principles oriented towards practical applications.
Both the evermind and the humans were sentient beings, intelligent life-forms, though based on fundamentally different principles.
Modern devices use ultrasound technology, while earlier models were based on optical principles.
Berry College's mission statement espouses "values based on Christian principles,".
The idea that it was somehow based on false philosophical principles is weird.
Commercial valuations, although based on established principles, necessarily involve an element of negotiation.
Is there evidence that the program is based on sound research concepts and educational principles?