Talk of reform can even be heard from radical breakaway Palestinian factions, still based here despite government denials.
Foden's Brass Band is still based in the town, despite the truck manufacturer from which it derives its name no longer having a presence.
They trade like Internet stocks - though they are not - with billion-dollar market capitalizations based on the promise of fast growth, despite no earnings.
He added, "The termination of the contract by the Warriors was based on economics despite their claims to the contrary."
The money was generated through hospital budgets based on higher fees, despite the commission's ruling against the increases.
No buyer would make a huge long-term investment based only on Parcells, despite the formidable role he has played in resurrecting the once-moribund franchise.
Going forward 50% of projected phone buyers are likely to go with iPhone 5 based on pent up demand despite record sales from the previous quarter.
Among those descended from immigrants, there remain social divisions based on place of origin despite unification efforts.
MetaPirate originally stated the program was based off the Basic version, despite later media reports.
A study of five Ashton ballets shows that all are based on classical technique, despite their apparent differences.