The old Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants were the best baseball rivalry, meeting 22 times in a season.
Some observers consider it the greatest baseball rivalry of all time.
The Revolution continue the old baseball rivalry between York and the nearby city of Lancaster.
Several baseball rivalries have developed in the SEC:
The two parted company amicably last week, but neither denied that their baseball rivalry had been a factor in the breakup.
The park allowed for growth of the company's Simmons Bedmakers team and provided a suitable venue city's flourishing baseball rivalries.
The beauty of a great baseball rivalry is that it can reinvent itself, even as it plays on.
Set at Camp Ichikawaooeemakohooeeyahoo, it touches on, yes, everything (almost), from baseball rivalries to ghost stories to unidentifiable food.
"Maybe it will just become about a baseball rivalry instead of a humiliated city," she said.
The two cities share not only a baseball rivalry, but also a painful legacy from football.