Real estate is also taxed at the local level based on one-hundred percent of fair market value.
The profit-sharing plan paid out $68 million last year, based on 14 percent of the base salary.
But many lots have higher starting bids, based on 25 percent of their retail value.
It is based on 60 percent of average premiums for the six biggest health plans.
Rents are based on 30 percent of a family's total income.
But with the lower appraisal, the amount he could borrow, based on 80 percent of the valuation, was cut to $392,000.
Rent is based on 30 percent of a resident's income, she said.
The results, based on 30 percent of votes counted, were announced by the state electoral commission.
After guests leave the center, their maintenance diet is also based on 10 percent of calories from fat, allowing room for slippage.
The results are based on 97 percent of the vote counted.