But still others, who enjoy the quiet pace of life in this dusty, barren spot, have vowed to stay.
They kept to the left side where there were some woods and barren spots.
At intervals could be seen barren spots where even this vegetation refused to take root.
It is one of the most barren spots on the earth and one never seen or experienced by tourists.
It was a barren, windswept spot, probably never before as crowded as now.
They overtook the canoe at a barren spot in the river.
I landed in a pretty barren spot, but nonetheless managed to find their encampment a few hours later.
They pooled their wealth and bought passage to this barren spot.
As you see, my throne is almost a barren spot.
Imprudent to flee across the clearing when a perfectly good way lay before us through a stand of trees into a barren spot.