The creature had a barrel-like chest and thick, : powerful-looking legs.
His body was clad in a short coat of gold sheen worn over a mauve tunic covering a barrel-like chest and powerful torso.
He saw his bullets tear into the shoulders and barrel-like chest.
The moog then lowered his arms, trapping the man's arms on either side of his barrel-like chest.
Today, dachshunds have crooked legs, loose skin, and a barrel-like chest.
Villiers lunged forward, trying to break Bourne's grip, his barrel-like chest smashing into Jason.
Mastiff-types are large dogs, both tall and massive with barrel-like chests, large bones, and thick skulls.
They were holding each other about their long barrel-like chests.
The Skipper of otters swelled out his barrel-like chest.
"Certainly not," he said stoutly, his barrel-like chest expanding indignantly at the very thought.