He knew it scented his presence, for it was coming swiftly now, rolling its barrel-like body rapidly along on its short, mighty, bowed legs.
A moment later, it crossed his field of vision - the barrel-like, hairy body glistening in the sunlight, the immense jaws carrying the remains of a lizard.
The entire barrel-like body of the station turned, generating nearly normal gravity the old-fashioned way, by centrifugal rotation.
The White-throated Needletail is a mid sized bird, similar in size to Alpine Swift, but a quite different build, with a heavier barrel-like body.
One, green-cloaked like Kelexel, was a bald, roundfaced female, her body solid and barrel-like.
His barrel-like body, equipped with a saddle, ; afforded good protection to the delicate instruments that it ; contained.
Females of Phronima sedentaria live in the barrel-like bodies of salps, and use their strong pleopods to propel their homes through the water.
All ankylosaurs had squat, barrel-like bodies covered with thick protective plates.
All were large animals with small heads and barrel-like bodies.
It has a similar build to the latter species, with a heavy barrel-like body.