Frankish soldiers secured this strategic point by a barrack yard at first.
The archaeological committee values Linnankasarmi quite highly as a traditional military area and prehistoric site because the medieval town of Hämeenlinna has once been here and its remains are still under the barrack yard.
When they entered the barrack yard, the soldiers scattered like autumn leaves before a blast of winter.
The large pond of the Hofgarten should be filled up for the later barrack yard.
During the afternoon, while horses were being purchased in the barrack yard, I obtained relief from my assignment.
We rode right into the barrack yard, for with their lack of discipline and military efficiency they had sent their whole force against us with the exception of a few men who remained to guard the prisoners and a handful at headquarters building.
The duel took place on the morrow, in the barrack yard behind a low wall.
About 6 p.m. of the 6th, Shortland discovered a hole from one of the five prisons to the barrack yard near the gun racks.
And in the barrack yard, Niall saw something that made his heart contract: a crowd of men and of spiders gathered in the corner where the armoury was situated.
The doctor and his father-in-law went through the monastery and the barrack yard and straight through a low stone door into a vaulted cellar.