He wagged his tail and barked happily at her, then disappeared.
When Charlotte came home the dogs barked happily.
The other guys were swooping around their own houses, their dogs barking happily.
He pushed open the door and Bellum tore down the wide hall, barking happily.
The dog barked happily at the sound of his voice and leaped up again.
The bumbler was barking happily, but the boys seemed as subdued as the people waiting in line.
In response, the dog leapt to his feet, barking happily.
Wolf barked happily and practically smothered me, trying to lick my face.
Perhaps the dog will bark happily in response, and the two of you will carry on as if you were right next to him.
The sheepdog barked happily, jumping up on Kermit, nearly knocking him to the ground.