At that time, he was working with his parents' zarzuela company, taking baritone roles and as an accompanist for other singers.
"Were a woman to do it, it would be like having a soprano sing a baritone role."
He attempted the role of Otello in 1959, but quickly reverted to baritone roles.
Peter Sidhom was arresting in the multiple baritone roles.
Jason Howard took the seven changing baritone roles and did so strongly.
His repertoire includes all the main baritone roles.
Lawrence Tibbett made the baritone role his own.
His vocal quality suited him to play the comic baritone roles in French operettas.
He sang leading baritone roles all over the world, settled in America and married a wealthy American widow.
Figaro in Il barbiere is often called the first true baritone role.